Help My Unbelief 9:14-29 "Help My Unbelief" One of the nice things about the Bible is that it records real people and real responses. Our desire is to have an unwavering faith, but that… 9:14-29 "Help My Unbelief" One of the nice things about the Bible is that it records real people and real responses. Our desire is to have an unwavering faith, but that… 8:31-38 “The Path of Descent”The disciples have been trying to understand the difference between their expectations and Jesus’ actual mission. Jesus has spoken a lot through healings and metaphors… Mark 8:22-38 “Eyes to See”There is an overlap between Jesus’ healing of a blind man in stages and the stages it will take for the Disciples to see and… Mark 7:24-37 "The Faith of the Other" In this message, we'll see how Jesus fulfills the Divine Plan to Bless all the Nations by calling all people, everywhere, back to… 5:21-42 "Physical Healing with a Spiritual Message" As we return to the Gospel of Mark, we will see miracles of healing that point beyond the physical, to a deeper spiritual… Psalm 122 “David & Unity”David was the first person who truly united the twelve tribes of Israel. This was because he understood the thing that brought them together was… 1 Samuel 17:41 – 51 “David’s Faith”The story of David and Goliath isn’t about the amazing feet of a ruddy teenager against a mammoth, seasoned warrior. It’s about how… Matthew 18:1-5 "The Faith of Children" In a time and culture where children were to be ‘seen and not heard,’ Jesus offers a powerful, counter-cultural message. We have much to… Genesis 12:1-3 “The Old Testament in 7even Sentences: Abraham”Last week, we saw the first two of seven movements in the bible that repeat themselves: Creation & Rebellion. This week,… 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 “Sayings of Saints: Amma Syncletica” Amma Syncletica said, “We hold to the cross as our sail so we can set a safe Course” Jesus set his…