Opposite Sides of the Coin

https://youtu.be/qFVUZqybCDQMessage: Mark 12:35-44 “Opposite Sides of the Coin”After encountering four different religious groups in the area of the Temple Mount, Jesus makes a contrast between the religious elite and the…


David’s Worship

https://youtu.be/Kc3M5SP0pJwMessage: 2 Samuel 6:1-5 “David & Worship” Moses had established a worship system built around making sacrifices for the forgiveness of sins from God and in thankfulness to God. David initiates…

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When Kingdom Calls

https://youtu.be/wL3GLZfs_c0Mark 1:14-20 “When Kingdom Calls”With Jesus’ coming is the beginning of the God’s Kingdom reign. Thebreaking in of the Kingdom of God comes with a Call on our lives. Whatdoes…

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