David’s Unity
https://youtu.be/euRWZCGKcEYMessage: Psalm 122 “David & Unity”David was the first person who truly united the twelve tribes of Israel. This was because he understood the thing that brought them together was…
https://youtu.be/euRWZCGKcEYMessage: Psalm 122 “David & Unity”David was the first person who truly united the twelve tribes of Israel. This was because he understood the thing that brought them together was…
https://youtu.be/WPrZx8aXW9cMessage: 1 Samuel 17:41 – 51 “David’s Faith”The story of David and Goliath isn’t about the amazing feet of a ruddy teenager against a mammoth, seasoned warrior. It’s about how…
https://youtu.be/xE06x5suPYoMessage: 2 Samuel 5:1-5 “David’s Rule” David was considered ‘a man after God’s own heart.’ In contrast to Saul, who ruled toward his own gain,…
https://youtu.be/fTB8k89VZs0Message: 2 Samuel 7:1-16 "David & Covenant" Our God is a Covenant God. Covenants are like contracts in that they are binding and indicate an agreement that is held up by…
https://youtu.be/eJVIdla6GQwMessage: 1 Samuel 16:1-13 “David: Anointing”The people chose Saul, mainly because he ‘looked kingly.’ David will be chosen by God for a much different reason. In this message we’ll look…
https://youtu.be/694OYiYenWoMessage: Ruth 4:13-22 “David: Ancestry”God ultimately rules over the story of history, though we don’t see it in the moment. David was at work long before he was alive. David’s…
https://youtu.be/n9O_kr8hDO4Message: Psalm 23:1-4 “The Old Testament in Seven Sentences: Psalms & Wisdom”In this final message in our series, we will be looking at the Wisdom Literature of the Bible. The…
https://youtu.be/BULDergEntcIsaiah 52:7-10 “The Old Testament in 7even Sentences: Gospel”“Gospel” means “Good News” and the Old Testament is full of it. There are essentially three horizons the prophets speak to concerning…
https://youtu.be/tzTEBup8QzAMessage: Exodus 20:1-3 “Exodus”This week we continue moving along the biblical cycle. So far we have seen Creation, Fall, Promise, and Good News. This week, as we see Israel emerge…
https://youtu.be/ZotGXMP55sQMemorial Day Weekend Deuteronomy 5:15 & Luke 22:17-20 “Remembering Rightly” Our Memories are made up of both the good and bad. Not everything we’ve experienced is something we want to…