Help My Unbelief 9:14-29 "Help My Unbelief" One of the nice things about the Bible is that it records real people and real responses. Our desire is to have an unwavering faith, but that… 9:14-29 "Help My Unbelief" One of the nice things about the Bible is that it records real people and real responses. Our desire is to have an unwavering faith, but that… Trust, Faith, Life in God | Scripture: Matthew 6:25-34C. S. Lewis wrote: “For the present is the point at which time touches eternity.” To be alive is to live… Luke 2:1-20 The Vulnerability of God While we tend to think of the immeasurable power and ability of God, the incarnation invites us into God’s willingness to become vulnerable for the sake… 5:12-19 “The Necessity & Significance of Jesus’ Life”We often focus a lot on Jesus’ death. His arrest, crucifixion, and time until his resurrection spanned about three days. This was… 1:26-38 “The Union of God with Humanity”That God exists as Trinity means He is an inherently relational being. He literally has relationship within Himself and has communicated that to… 9:1-13 “Glimpses of Glory”The disciples were disappointed after Jesus revealed the mission of the Messiah was to die for the sins of humanity. But there was also the promise… 8:31-38 “The Path of Descent”The disciples have been trying to understand the difference between their expectations and Jesus’ actual mission. Jesus has spoken a lot through healings and metaphors… Mark 8:22-38 “Eyes to See”There is an overlap between Jesus’ healing of a blind man in stages and the stages it will take for the Disciples to see and… “Beware of Religion & Politics” Mark 8:14-21 View PowerPoint Listen to Audio Mark 7:24-37 "The Faith of the Other" In this message, we'll see how Jesus fulfills the Divine Plan to Bless all the Nations by calling all people, everywhere, back to…