Navigating the Storms 4:35-41 “Navigating the Storms”Does it ever feel like God is sleeping through your crisis? Do youever wonder why He doesn’t just stop in and calm the storms of life?As…

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Lamps & Measures 4:21-25 "Lamps & Measures"In today’s passage, Jesus talks about growth that happens on both apersonal and kingdom level. What started as a message from an unknownteacher in an obscure…

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Things that Steal Life 4:1-20 “Things that Steal Life”In the ‘Parable of the Sower’ Jesus talks about ‘Things that StealLife.’ We are all seeking meaning for the lives we live. We sometimesfind ourselves…

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A Common Bond 3:31-35 “A Common Bond”Jesus shocks his listeners once again by going against the tide ofcultural identity and understanding. He introduces a deeper realityand Common Bond based on Kingdom priorities…

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Demonic or Different? 3:20-30 “Demonic or Different?”In our society of ever increasing divisions, Jesus challenges us withthe question of his own ministry. In this passage we continue thetheme of God being up…

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Life & Death 2:23 - 3:6 “Life & Death”Just after telling the religious leaders that they would not be ableto hold the new thing God is bringing about, Jesus goes on to…

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The Fermenting Process 2:18-22 “The Fermenting Process”Jesus’ first miracle was to turn water into wine at a wedding. Intoday’s passage, he compares his own life and ministry to a weddingcelebration. What is…

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Table Manners 2:13-17 “Table Manners”Many of us grew up with something known as “Table Manners.” Thesecould differ from family to family, but often included washing handsbefore dinner, waiting to say grace…

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When the Roof Caves In Mark 2:1-12 “When the Roof Caves In” This week we come to the famous story of the paralytic who is healed after being lowered in front of Jesus through…

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Changing Direction Mark 1:14-15 “Changing Direction” While we may usually think the word “Repent” to mean “stop sinning,” it actually covers much more. In fact, it might even include changing our…

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