Water and Waves

Sermon: “Water & Waves” Luke 15:11-24

In this message, we’ll look at the story of the prodigal son within
the redemptive narrative of the Bible. God has been doing something
since His Spirit hovered over the waters of Creation and culminating
when the ‘Sea is no more’ in the book of Revelation. How does the Sea
of Galilee and Jesus’ telling of the parable of the Prodigal son
connect to our own lives and God’s redemption plan for the world? What
do ‘Wind & Waves’ have to do with our Salvation? Come and find out!

Congregational Address-
I thought this might be a good place for me to share my thankfulness
about being called back to continue pastoring Evergreen. I can share
about some of my experiences the last five months that led to a
longing to return and my gratefulness for the congregation readily
receiving me in a new way.