Trust, Faith, Life in God Trust, Faith, Life in God | Scripture: Matthew 6:25-34C. S. Lewis wrote: “For the present is the point at which time touches eternity.” To be alive is to live… Trust, Faith, Life in God | Scripture: Matthew 6:25-34C. S. Lewis wrote: “For the present is the point at which time touches eternity.” To be alive is to live… Luke 2:1-20 The Vulnerability of God While we tend to think of the immeasurable power and ability of God, the incarnation invites us into God’s willingness to become vulnerable for the sake… 5:12-19 “The Necessity & Significance of Jesus’ Life”We often focus a lot on Jesus’ death. His arrest, crucifixion, and time until his resurrection spanned about three days. This was… 1:26-38 “The Union of God with Humanity”That God exists as Trinity means He is an inherently relational being. He literally has relationship within Himself and has communicated that to… 9:1-13 “Glimpses of Glory”The disciples were disappointed after Jesus revealed the mission of the Messiah was to die for the sins of humanity. But there was also the promise… 8:31-38 “The Path of Descent”The disciples have been trying to understand the difference between their expectations and Jesus’ actual mission. Jesus has spoken a lot through healings and metaphors… Mark 8:22-38 “Eyes to See”There is an overlap between Jesus’ healing of a blind man in stages and the stages it will take for the Disciples to see and… “Beware of Religion & Politics” Mark 8:14-21 View PowerPoint Listen to Audio Mark 7:24-37 "The Faith of the Other" In this message, we'll see how Jesus fulfills the Divine Plan to Bless all the Nations by calling all people, everywhere, back to… Mark 1:1 - 23 “Matters of the Heart”Jesus doesn’t get mad too often, but when he does, it’s usually because someone is choosing head over heart. The religious leaders…