Names of God 3:13-15 "Names of God" God revealed his sacred, divine Name to Moses and the Israelites as He called them to follow Him into the wilderness. This is the Name everyone…

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Sayings of Saints: Mary of Egypt  2 Peter 3:8-9 “Sayings of Saints: Mary of Egypt” “Blessed is God who cares for the salvation of all Souls” In this message we’ll look at God’s heart for…

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Sayings of Saints: Augustine of Hippo 42:1-8 “Sayings of Saints: Augustine of Hippo”“Our heart is restless until it finds its rest in You”We are often unsatisfied in life because we are looking for life in…

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Sayings of Saints: St. Benedict of Nursia Romans 8:12-17 "Sayings of the Saints: St. Benedict" St. Benedict encourages us to “Listen and attend with the ear of your Heart” We are often searching outside ourselves for…

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Sayings of Saints: Amma Theodora Psalm 139:1-12 “Sayings of Saints: Amma Theodora” Amma Theodora tells the story of a monk who thought if he left his monastery he would leave all his troubles and…

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Sayings of Saints: Amma Syncletica 1 Corinthians 2:1-5  “Sayings of Saints: Amma Syncletica” Amma Syncletica said, “We hold to the cross as our sail so we can set a safe Course” Jesus set his…

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Sayings of Saints: Abba Moses Luke 5:15-16 As we begin this new series, “Sayings of Saints”, we start off with the Desert Father Abba Moses, who lived in Egypt between 330AD – 405AD. Abba…

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