Don’t Pass Me By Mark 6:45 - 56 “Don’t Pass Me By”The disciples hadn’t really understood all that Jesus’ multiplication of the fish and loaves and the feeding of the 5,000 meant. God… Mark 6:45 - 56 “Don’t Pass Me By”The disciples hadn’t really understood all that Jesus’ multiplication of the fish and loaves and the feeding of the 5,000 meant. God… Mark 6:30-44 “Sheep without a Shepherd”As the time of Moses’ death drew near, he prayed that God would send another to shepherd the people. Over hundreds of years, this… Mark 6:14-29 "Clash of Kingdoms" In this passage we see how the kingdoms and ways of the world clash against God's Kingdom and ways. John is beheaded because he contrasted… Matthew 18:1-5 "The Faith of Children" In a time and culture where children were to be ‘seen and not heard,’ Jesus offers a powerful, counter-cultural message. We have much to… Mark 6:1-6 “Read the Room”We are called to be disciples who make disciples. Discipleship begins with a sincere relationship, through which we can share the Gospel message. Embracing Jesus… 5:21-42 "Physical Healing with a Spiritual Message" As we return to the Gospel of Mark, we will see miracles of healing that point beyond the physical, to a deeper spiritual… 110:1-4 “David’s Messiah”Ever since the early chapters of Genesis, there have been hints of a coming Messiah. David becomes the prototype of the Messiah to come. God promised that… Samuel 12:1-13 "David & Sin" David was a man after God’s own heart, but he was not a perfect man. Yet, we can learn from David even as it relates… Chronicles 6:40 – 7:3 “David and the Temple”The Temple in Jerusalem was a wonder to behold. It was the place where people came from great distances to be in… 2 Samuel 6:1-5 “David & Worship” Moses had established a worship system built around making sacrifices for the forgiveness of sins from God and in thankfulness to God. David initiates…